Complete ‘renovation’ of website learning materials for the Eurowijs Foundation
Craft Commerce webshop with fresh, new design
Managing money wisely cannot be learned at too young an age. With this in mind, the Eurowijs Foundation offers free learning materials for all groups in primary education, special education and lower secondary education to teach children how to be responsible with money. The Eurowijs website, where teachers can order physical and digital learning materials, was in need of improvement in terms of its look & feel and in several functional areas.
One-to-one meetings with developer and designer
Hilde explains that before the initial discussions about the assignment, she visited WHITE's Valkenswaard office. “Among other things, I guided the developer there through the hidden workings of our portal, which he had to get to know first. WHITE's designer also joined us. The discussions were very pleasant and it surprised me how quickly they both understood what I was looking for. With quick sketches, they immediately visualised what I had in mind. After those two days, I mainly held Teams meetings with them to discuss intermediate versions and feedback.”
Much fresher look & feel and a clear order page
The redesigned Eurowijs Foundation website is live and Hilde is very satisfied with both the process and the result. “Not only is the overall look and feel much fresher, but the layout of the ordering system for learning materials also looks much clearer. Visitors can now better see what they are ordering with a clear split between physical and digital materials, as we still offer both options. Another important aspect of the order page is that personal data are always secure when ordering. Order data must therefore be sent encrypted to the shipping party. WHITE has also built that in excellently.”
Redesigned dashboard for accurate order overviews
Hilde thinks the dashboard optimisation was carried out perfectly. “There were some initial problems with it, but WHITE really straightened everything out. All the data we collected from the beginning were included in the update. Because all incoming orders are now clearly displayed in the dashboard, I can get an accurate overview of orders, the number of students we reach with the learning materials and where these students are located in the Netherlands. This is important, because it's what my results are based on, as well as the subsequent purchasing of supplies.”
Eurowijs – WHITE collaboration